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Seminarul de logică discursivă, teoria argumentării şi retorică
Texte in limbi straine
Relying on language
Studying discourses seems to be an endless occupation, mostly because of the different approaches to the concept of ‘discourse’, but also because of the ever changing media and contexts where discourses take place. Our attention has always been drawn to the idea that discourses are social interactions which leave traces in our lives. Continue reading
Articol despre: Limbaj si comunicare, Texte, Texte in limba engleza, Texte in limbi straine
Phrases in Time…
The text deals with clichés, in the sense of phrases everybody uses just because they are in fashion. The difference between phrase and enunciation, between text and discourse is the foundation of the claim made in this study. A phrase – any phrase – can have a semantic of its own and this makes it worth using in some contexts. In other words, the phrases get meanings in context. But the changing of contexts could make a perfectly acceptable phrase become not so acceptable. Or, contexts evolve and resuming former truth can have the most unexpected results. Some notorious
phrases are discussed and proven out of date or simply inadequate. On the other hand, a well known phrase is saluted as happily enriched with a meaning which got lost over the years. When it comes to using phrases, we have discourses, and the meaning of any discourse is contextual. Clichés don’t work well all the time.
Keywords: context sensitive meaning, phrase vs. enunciation, text vs. discourse, clichés Continue reading
Articol despre: Cognitie, Limbaj si comunicare, Texte, Texte in limba engleza, Texte in limbi straine
Wisdom and the Cultural Dimension of Appropriateness
In any book on Communication we find rules or even maxims, guiding us in being efficient. The idea of this text is that there is no rule in communication. There can be just one acceptable principle and it says: “Be appropriate!”. People have to do what they have to do in different situations, in different contexts, in order to get their intentions through. A good starting point could be the phrase of Ivan Preston: Meanings are in people, not in messages. From there, all one needs is wisdom, and our approach is not more encouraging on defining that then defining appropriateness.
Keywords: appropriateness, wisdom, rules in communication. Continue reading
Articol despre: Cognitie, Limbaj si comunicare, Texte, Texte in limba engleza
A Logical Approach to Argumentation
Any result of a discursive activity can be analyzed from at least two distinct perspectives: a logical one (aiming to establish the correctness of the thoughts, and the way each thought is related with the next one, in a clear, easy to follow judgement); a semiotic perspective would offer the possibility to understand the way the utterer has used the linguistic material (as signs, in communication), in order to reach the goal s/he is after, taking into account the relations between the signs and their users, as well as the interaction between the participants to the argument. In the present paper, we intend to stress out the logical perspective. Continue reading
Articol despre: Limbaj si comunicare, Texte, Texte in limba engleza, Texte in limbi straine
Our Father to all of us, proportionately. You get what you give: metaphor and proportionality
“The unspeakability of nature is the very possibility of language.”
James P. Carse
The act of speech involves the operation of discursive schematisation destined to influence the interlocutor, to make him or her accept and adopt new ideas and attitudes which are programmed by the initiator of the speech act, who wants his or
her interlocutor to act in a certain way. When you speak, you want the other to believe you. In order to believe, one has to understand. So, the speaker should make sure that the hearer has the best of chances to get to the message contained in a speech act.
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Articol despre: Cognitie, Limbaj si comunicare, Texte, Texte in limba engleza, Texte in limbi straine
Un possible modele global semiotique de la communication
Il s’agit d’une tentative de mettre au point un modele global semiotique de la communication. Continue reading
Articol despre: Limbaj si comunicare, Texte, Texte in limba franceza, Texte in limbi straine
Modalités de communication scientifique
Au milieu de la communauté des scientifiques, chacun est, à tour de rôle, créateur et consommateur d’information nouvelle. Mais, comme ce serait une erreur de la considérer homogène, il faut admettre que cette communauté se confronte à des problèmes issus de
La plupart de ces problèmes tiennent à la qualité et à la fiabilité des découvertes scientifiques et, implicitement, au besoin de réduire les parasites dans la circulation des valeurs véritables de la Science. Continue reading
Articol despre: Limbaj si comunicare, Managementul informatiei, Texte, Texte in limba franceza, Texte in limbi straine
Le degré des revues scientifiques
Publié sous un autre titre et dans une forme restreinte dans Noesis, vol. XXVI / 2001, pp. 251-257. Continue reading
Articol despre: Managementul informatiei, Texte, Texte in limba franceza, Texte in limbi straine
I only know One Who knows everything
Head hunters from Western Europe came to lure physicians from Romania to go work in their respective countries. More than 6,000 Romanian physicians accepted the invitation, and are now preparing their departure to France, Great Britain, Germany
and so on. Before that, other head hunters came to lure high school graduate to be in order to make them want to go to college in western universities.
A question arises: how is it possible to have interesting products while everybody seems to deny your quality as an institution? How come much blamed Romanian high schools can produce youngsters that could be interesting for colleges like
those in Oxford, or for universities like the one in Vienna?! Then, how come much blamed Romanian high education in medicine can produce interesting physicians for western countries (at their standards, I mean)?! Continue reading
Articol despre: Diverse, Texte, Texte in limba engleza, Texte in limbi straine
Fondamentaux de la recherche
Il n’y a pas de recherche en dehors de la profonde connaissance de ce qui est convention dans le domaine en question et il n’y a pas de recherche sans imagination créatrice.
Et puis, il n’y a pas de chance d’obtenir le consensus (qui fonde toute science) en dehors d’une hygiène terminologique bien respectée. C’est de ces trois fondamentaux de la recherche que nous avons choisi de nous occuper dans cette étude. Continue reading
Articol despre: Diverse, Texte, Texte in limba franceza, Texte in limbi straine