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BIBLOS. Revistă a filialei ieşene a Asociaţiei Bibliotecarilor din România.
Seminarul de logică discursivă, teoria argumentării şi retorică
Jean – Blaise Grize et sa vision globale des sciences de l’homme
Classical logic proved to be not quite proper to describe natural phenomena. Understanding and explaining naturalphenomena requires natural logic. This kind of logic was the most important construction Jean-Blaise Grize came up with.
Then, he developed an instrument for the analysis and description of the discursive activity, the discursive schematization (schématisation discursive), which proved to be infalliblein all sorts of situations. To achieve this, Grize went deep, to Aristotel’s Antiquity. All logicians do this. But he went aside, too, widening his horizon and seeking foundation in humanities and social sciences. This is what the present study is trying to bring to readers’ attention. Continue reading
Articol despre: Cognitie, Diverse, Texte, Texte in limba franceza, Texte in limbi straine
I only know One Who knows everything
Head hunters from Western Europe came to lure physicians from Romania to go work in their respective countries. More than 6,000 Romanian physicians accepted the invitation, and are now preparing their departure to France, Great Britain, Germany
and so on. Before that, other head hunters came to lure high school graduate to be in order to make them want to go to college in western universities.
A question arises: how is it possible to have interesting products while everybody seems to deny your quality as an institution? How come much blamed Romanian high schools can produce youngsters that could be interesting for colleges like
those in Oxford, or for universities like the one in Vienna?! Then, how come much blamed Romanian high education in medicine can produce interesting physicians for western countries (at their standards, I mean)?! Continue reading
Articol despre: Diverse, Texte, Texte in limba engleza, Texte in limbi straine
Fondamentaux de la recherche
Il n’y a pas de recherche en dehors de la profonde connaissance de ce qui est convention dans le domaine en question et il n’y a pas de recherche sans imagination créatrice.
Et puis, il n’y a pas de chance d’obtenir le consensus (qui fonde toute science) en dehors d’une hygiène terminologique bien respectée. C’est de ces trois fondamentaux de la recherche que nous avons choisi de nous occuper dans cette étude. Continue reading
Articol despre: Diverse, Texte, Texte in limba franceza, Texte in limbi straine
Despre publicitate
A vorbi despre publicitate pare uşor. Deja există o vastă literatură pe această temă şi cunoaştem, fiecare dintre noi, persoane gata oricînd să exprime păreri, să propună chiar teorii privind activitatea publicitară. Despre ce vorbim, însă, atunci cînd subiectul este publicitatea? Vorbim şi despre reclamă? Facem vreo distincţie între aceşti doi termeni ai limbii române?
The aim of this article is to make clear the difference between the English terms advertising and publicity, in order to avoid a mistaken Romanian translation. The author has launched a debate and collected answers from foreign English speakers. A clear distinction is that advertising is paid, while publicity is gained and therefore, publicity, not advertising can be obtained by public relations efforts. Publicity means information that brings an issue to public notice and should not be mistaken for simple
advertising. Continue reading
Articol despre: Diverse, Limbaj si comunicare, Relatii publice, Texte
NUMAI cine se aseamănă se-adună… Încercare de analiză psihosemiotică a publicităţii
Asemănarea este lucrul cel mai manifest şi totodată cel mai bine ascuns. Ea este o similitudine care se vede sau care nu se vede şi de aceea ar rămâne sclipire îndoielnică dacă n-ar fi în ea sau pe ea sau lângă ea un element de decizie care să o transforme în certitudine.
Nu există asemănare fără semnătură, afirmă Foucault. Universul similarului nu poate fi decât o lume marcată. Cunoaşterea similitudinilor are la bază relevarea şi descifrarea acestor semnături. Sistemul semnăturilor răstoarnă raportul dintre vizibil şi invizibil. Continue reading
Articol despre: Diverse, Limbaj si comunicare, Texte