Author Archives: Dan Stoica

Jean – Blaise Grize et sa vision globale des sciences de l’homme

Classical logic proved to be not quite proper to describe natural phenomena. Understanding and explaining naturalphenomena requires natural logic. This kind of logic was the most important construction Jean-Blaise Grize came up with.

Then, he developed an instrument for the analysis and description of the discursive activity, the discursive schematization (schématisation discursive), which proved to be infalliblein all sorts of situations. To achieve this, Grize went deep, to Aristotel’s Antiquity. All logicians do this. But he went aside, too, widening his horizon and seeking foundation in humanities and social sciences. This is what the present study is trying to bring to readers’ attention. Continue reading

Articol despre: Cognitie, Diverse, Texte, Texte in limba franceza, Texte in limbi straine |

On Wooden Language and Manipulation

There are many ways people use some established wooden language and this differentiate them when they are targeted by manipulative discourses. Some people would be genuinely politically correct and use the speech code with all their heart. Those ones can be manipulated by the bias of targeted discourses in the given wooden language. Some other people would not believe that wooden languages could be used in real communication. Part of these later ones would fake using the established wooden language in their group or society, part of them would overtly refuse to use such a language, while some of them would use the wooden language in an ironic key, to rally human or social shortcomings. Counting apart the first category, all these kinds of people would escape any manipulation attempt. Continue reading

Articol despre: Limbaj si comunicare, Texte, Texte in limba engleza, Texte in limbi straine |

Mind formatting institutions

Everywhere in the world, societies – acting as communities – set up institutions or just use already existing ones, leading to their own reproduction.This reality relies on the use of language, which not only influence people, but also socio-culturally shapes their minds. This paper has the goal of discussing mind formatting institutions that smoothly “manipulate” people into being “good citizens”, from their early ages to the end of their lives, thanks to language, understanding manipulation as a amoral tool. Continue reading

Articol despre: Cognitie, Limbaj si comunicare, Texte, Texte in limba engleza, Texte in limbi straine |

Constantin Salavastru, Logique, argumentation, interprétation, Paris, l’Harmattan, 2007

Surprendre la façon dont notre cerveau fonctionne, c’est le grand projet, le grand objectif de nombreuses sciences, parmi lesquelles, la logique. Ce qui est caractéristique pour la logique, mais aussi pour d’autres sciences du domaine de la cognition, c’est qu’elles essaient de comprendre et de représenter le fonctionnement de la pensée humaine d’après les produits de celle-ci, les discours. Continue reading

Articol despre: Blog, Texte in limba franceza, Texte in limbi straine |

Michel Meyer, Qu’est-ce qu l’Histoire? Progrès ou déclin? Paris, PUF, 2013

Être au courant des recherches de Michel Meyer peut aider à comprendre, d’abord le titre de l’ouvrage, sous sa forme de question, et aussi le point de vue proposé par le contenu. C’est parce que l’approche de Meyer sur la … Continue reading

Articol despre: Blog, Texte in limba franceza |

Vertus productives et applicatives de la problématologie

Citeste articolul in limba franceza Aparut in: Cahiers de psychologie politique (A. Dorna, ed.) numéro 20 > Comptes rendus de livres lus et relus >

Articol despre: Blog, Texte in limba franceza |


Ceea ce realizează cartea[1] editată de Dl Cristinel Munteanu este mai mult decît un dialog sau o împărtăşire de idei; este o comuniune întru respect pentru valoare. Cei care, de o bună bucată de vreme, iradiază ştiinţă şi pasiune pentru … Continue reading

Articol despre: Blog |

Ana Ionesei – Maldororiana (Recenzie)

Are o Cum-să-i-spun? (alţii îi spun muză) de clasă rară, din care te miri să mai găseşti pe la cei vii şi încă şi mai puţin pe la cei tineri. Ştie prea bine că „[p]rin cuvînt s-a făcut totul” şi … Continue reading

Articol despre: Blog |

What is Jamie Oliver’s big knife doing in Midsomer Magna? On manipulation

Traditionally, the term “manipulation” is used in a morally depreciative sense, as a pejorative expression. The present paper tries to propose another view on manipulation as action and thus another perception of the linguistic term. For this, we will leave the territory of moral distinctions (good vs. bad, moral vs. immoral) and go camp in the territory of adequacy, a territory of instruments and their efficiency in usage (the distinction will be good vs. bad, in the sense of the appropriateness and efficiency of the chosen instrument in performing some particular action).

Taken as such, the manipulation is no longer viewed as moral or immoral, but simply as amoral. In contrast with that, manipulation will be discussed under the opposition good vs. bad in terms of the pragmatics of the action. We will then accept that there can be morally good manipulation, which also means that an expression like “bad manipulation” is not a pleonasm, but a way to refer to manipulation that didn’t produce the expected effect. Continue reading

Articol despre: Limbaj si comunicare, Texte, Texte in limba engleza, Texte in limbi straine |

Analiza discursului mediatic Ironia “ochilor în 3,14” din Dilema Veche

Prezenta lucrare propune o analiză a discursului mediatic pe baza ironiei verbale, dintr-o perspectivă dublă, la nivelul conținutului enunțului ironic și al modului în care este folosit acesta pentru a exprima intențiile de comunicare ale locutorului.

Studiul nostru se axează pe analiza pastilelor rubricii „Cu ochii-n 3.14” din 19 numere ale săptămînalului Dilema Veche (de la 470 pînă la 489) apărute în perioada 14 februarie – 27 iunie 2013. În realizarea acestui demers vom folosi instrumentele de lucru dezvoltate în capitolul al treilea, în special cele șapte forme de umor teoretizate de Gabriel Baldovin, utilizarea satirei și a sarcasmului în producerea ironie și cele șase maniere de construcție a unui enunț ironic utilizînd ironia verbală. Continue reading

Articol despre: Lucrari de licenta si disertatii |